“American Idol” and “Dancing With the Stars,” along with NBC’s “The Voice” all did well for another year, but both “Idol” and “Dancing” lost about 4?million viewers compared with last season, and “Idol” lost about 6 million. “American Idol’s” eight-season long winning streak as the country’s most TV watched program ended this year as the show came in behind NBC’s Sunday football in total viewership numbers. In terms of the season’s most-watched TV shows, it is interesting to note that four scripted shows on CBS Made it into the top ten.
Here’s how the list of the 2011-12 TV season’s Top Ten most-watched programs turned out:
1 - “NBC Sunday Night Football” earned the top spot by averaging 20.7 million viewers during the season.
3 - “NCIS” earned third place with 19.5 million viewers.
4 - “American Idol” averaged a respectable 18.2 million viewers each week, earning it fourth place in its 11th incarnation.
7 - “Dancing With the Stars - Results Show” was a honest seventh with an average of 16.2 million viewers even though it had to compete with its own original show series at the same time.
9 - “The Voice” averaged 15.7 million viewers for ninth place as the only truly “new” show in this season’s Top Ten.
Images courtesy of muohace_dc, Lunchbox LP, Corey Ann, purpleslog, dpstyles™, calixto